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Before Severe Weather Hits… Important Reminders

As we move into the height of storm season, we invite all Concorde agents to review the following information on binding coverage amidst severe weather warnings.  As an appointed agent of Concorde, you have a responsibility not to bind coverage when severe and imminent weather is in the area of the risk location. Simply put, when severe weather warnings are in place, do not bind coverage.

What to expect when quoting online:

  • Concorde’s peteRATER+ - All Concorde-designed property products that can be bound online include the following qualifier, which must be answered “Yes” to place property business:  I (WE) agree that if severe and imminent weather is in the area of risk location; we will not use TODAY as the effective date.

  • Carrier Platforms – Systems including American Modern’s AMsuite, the Aegis General Portal, and Private Flood quoting will display any moratoriums on their home screens, and may restrict quoting. In the event there is not a placed moratorium, do not bind coverage until active severe weather warnings in the risk area have been lifted.

At Concorde, we place trust in our agent partners to make sound decisions on behalf of Concorde and the carriers we represent. If you have questions on placing any risk, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our underwriting team at 1-800-726-1611.

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